how to get rid of pimples

how to get rid of pimples

Has your beauty taken away due to pimples? Not only the pimples, but also the stains caused by them, take away the beauty of the face.

Although many products in the market claim to remove pimples and their stains forever, due to the strong, they often cause a reaction on the skin. Our skin is very sensitive. In such a situation, we should try that whatever product we use is completely safe.

Factors that lead to pimples and follow these simple tips to get rid of pimples

1.     Poor digestion: eat raw  foods and vegetables
2.     Eating too much oily and spicy food: eat homemade dishes with low oil
3.     Intake of excessive sugar in diet: switch to sugar alternative in your diet
4.     Not drinking enough water: Drink at least 3 litres of water daily
5.     Not washing face properly: Wash your face atleast twice a day
6.     Using Toxic products: Always choose natural cosmetics
7.     Wearing too much makeup:avoid too much makeup as much as possible and wash your face at night when you wear a makeup.
8.     Using dirty towels and pillow covers : wash your towels and pillow regularly and keep it clean as dirty towels and pillow covers contains dust and bacteria which leads to pimple
9.     Constantly touching your face: don’t touch your face with a dirty hands
10. Poping the pimple: never pop a pimple
11. Excessive exposure to a sun: proect your skin by direct sun as it contain uv rays
12. Pollution: Avoid pollution as much as possible
13. Smoking: smoking is not only injurios to health it also a factor causing pimple

Remedies to get rid of pimples

Here are some remedies that will be done in minutes and by doing them continuously for a few days, not only will your pimples be reduced but their stains will also be lighter. The good thing is that these remedies completely cure the pimples after some time of use. However, before using any of these things directly on the skin, it would be good to test the patch.

1. Lemon
Cut the lemon and squeeze its juice in a small bowl. Make a mixture by mixing some salt and honey in it and apply it on the affected area. Allow to dry for 15 minutes and then clean the skin with lukewarm water.

2. Tomatoes
In a small bowl take two spoons of tomato juice. Now add one spoon of honey and half a teaspoon of baking soda and make a paste and apply it on the pimples. After 10 minutes, massage the face with cold milk and wash the face with clean water.

3. Turmeric
 Turmeric is the solution to skin problems. Make a paste by mixing turmeric powder with milk and rose water and apply on the pimple. By taking this remedy continuously for a few days, the problem of pimples is eliminated.

4. Honey
Honey is also very effective to get rid of the problem of pimples. Leave the honey on the pimples. After some time, remove it while massaging the face with cold milk. Pimples will be eliminated by doing this 15-minute remedy continuously for a week.

5. Baking Soda
If your skin is very sensitive then its use of baking soda is dangerous. For normal skin, make a paste by mixing some quantity of rose water in one teaspoon of baking soda and place it on Pimple's place. Clean it after 15 minutes.

I personally recommend go for homemade remedies to treat pimples than cosmetics and also follow those simple tips in your daily routine to be pimple free.

Also read 

skin care 

how to get rid of pimples how to get rid of pimples Reviewed by healthybeaytify on November 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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